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Sunrise Daycare - Mostly Full Day of Daycare


Not responsible for missing children or grape juice stains. Not an accredited institute of education, but we keep trying. You are responsible for any applicable taxes. Cannot be used as a credit. No cash back. No carry over.

  • marker 7650 Executive Dr
    Eden Prairie, MN, 55344

    compass Directions

badge-deal Your Price: $60.00
  • Retail Value: $85.00
  • Savings: $25.00

Available as a paper gift certificate.


You may not always know where your children are, so we strive to keep an eye on them for you. All supervised humans must be toilet trained. You made this tiny monster, you can train it. 87% of children under our supervision turned 1 year older last year! This is up from our previous record high of 85% in 2014. Way to go team!

Mostly Full Day of Daycare - Sunrise Daycare

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